Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Web Wednesday: Greg Rutter's Definitive List

Feeling behind on internet culture?
Searching for lols?
Looking to waste time?
Then look no further; Greg Rutter has already compiled everything you absolutely need to see into one definitive list.
Specifically his "Definitive List of The 99 Things You Should Have Already Experienced On The Internet Unless You're a Loser or Old or Something".
Gotta love a concise man.

The list includes the classics videos Numa Numa, The Star Wars Kid, Charlie the Unicorn, the Dramatic Chipmunk. It has websites: Fail Blog, PostSecret, ICanHasCheezburger, Will It Blend.
It will keep you up to date and make you feel like less of a loser. Just by reading these titles, you will feel included by people of forums, 4chan, and you're mom's facebook.
It will most certainly waste your time.

In a good way!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Merch Monday: AsiaJam

AsiaJam is a great online boutique that offers really cute clothes in the styling of Korean fashion. In bright colors and cute patterns, this site is sure to provide a kick to your wardrobe. And if you're searching for a particular style, they've already got things conveniently categorized for you!

Classic Streetwear:

Bohemian Groove:

Sleek and Chic:

Party Fantabulous:

However, be cautious of the sizing. Because it is an Asian import site, the sizes tend to run on the small side.
But don't let that hold you back! AsianJam's clearance section is always really exciting and it's nice to have the option of color and fun especially as winter approaches for us in the Northern Hemisphere.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Merch Monday: Accidental Designs

Accidental Designs by web based crafter Mishima is an etsy shop full of joy, fuzzies, and kitsch.
With an eye for bold graffic designs, Mishima stocks her store with felt appliqued pillows of varying degrees of cuteness.
Most inspired by nature and wild-life, these fun pillows and throws are sure to inspire some sort of conversation.
I'm in love with her comment bubble option pieces.

Check it out!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Super Slacker Saturday: Whack Your Boss!

Play Whack Your Boss to relieve that work related stress.


Super Slacker? More like super fun!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Web Wednesday: One Sentence

Everybody knows FML and now hopefully you all know about GMH, but what about those stories that aren't humorous, or really, any longer than a sentence?
They're all on, of course.

Organized into monthly archives, One Sentence is a collection of anonymously posted non-fiction stories that are- yep, you guessed it- one sentence in length.
With archives reaching back into May 2006, these stories glow with raw and concise power, ranging from sad, to hopeful, to the just plain confusing.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Merch Monday: Cyberdog

The cyber culture is something that has broadened into a world that expands beyond the limits of the internet; it has crashed over into the physical world and is ready to dominate!
Well, maybe not with its techno powers, but definitely with its kick ass method of dress.

Started up in the UK, Cyberdog has a high standing in the cyber community for continuing to produce high quality rave and intergalactic fashions. Well known for their well crafted and unique designs, Cyberdog offers clothes and accessories for both men and women.

Not only do they provide all manner of spiffed styles, but they always keep functionality in mind using materials that breathe and allow for mobility.

While they do tend to land on the pricey end of the spectrum, Cyberdog provides one of a kind, durable products. And in über rad patterns to boot!
Don't even try to tell me you don't love their Cyber Tartan. I'll know you're lying.

To learn more about the company, view their customer gallery or read their mascot's storyline, check out their flash homepage.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Slacker Friday: Galaga Quilt!

Too cool to be old-school, this Galaga quilt was put together by the genius of CarolinaPatchworks.

Using an 18:1 scale, North Carolina designer and crafter, Emily, stitched together an indescribably mean replica of the arcade classic's icons.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Web Wednesday: Geeky Tattoos

Tattoos are cool.
Don't even try to argue with me on this one: we all know it's true. But do you know what's even cooler than tattoos?
That's right: Geeky Tattoos.

Geeky Tattoos is a great haunt for geeks and ink enthusiasts alike. Ranging from coding, logos, television, movies to literature, the folks over at Geeky Tattoos have put together a formidable collection of awesome designs and finds.
Obviously, the video games genre takes up the greatest chunk of the site, but these nerdcore folks don't mess around. They're old school MFs, and they're not afraid to show it.
Like this really badass chick with an amazing 8-bit Duck Hunt homage.

Check out Geeky Tattoos for yourself; there's bound to be something there that strikes your inner geek.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Templar, Arizona

Now, it is by no means a secret that I am a nerd. Specifically, I am a comic nerd.
Not even the cool kind of comic nerd, like the ones who know all the oldies by DC and Marvel. I'm an online comic nerd.
But don't diss me just yet; webcomics offer just as many cool things that hardcopy comics do. Exclusive bribery art for example, and a near constant stream of artist commentary. Thrilling episodic updates and forums to discuss the ongoing plot.

But today I'm not just talking about any webcomic. I'm talking about one of my favorites: Templar, Arizona.

Templar, Arizona is culture focused fiction in an Arizona of alternate history. With strong characters, real dialogue and enticing artwork, Templar drew me in right away with its sincerity (is a pun if you read it!).
Centered around the life a mishaps of the young journalist Ben Kowalski, Templar is a story about the people of a town. True to life, this town has a life of its own, packed with the minute complexities of subcultures and the large proportions of political upheavals.
Its author, Charlie Trotman, is a keen artist of observation to be able to create something so full of truth and beauty while still managing to not take herself too seriously.

While you're checking out Templar, Arizona don't forget to also take a look at her Trotman's other works at Iron Circus Comics.
One quick gander might open you up to a whole new world of nerd-dom.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Slacker Friday: Kigurumi!

I'm not talking anime costumes or fursuits, I'm talking about the disguise pajamas that were made popular by Japanese Fruits fashion.

You can either make them yourself or buy them from online stores.
Cute, cuddly and creative, these suckers keep you toasty and rockin simultaneously.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Lime Crime Makeup

Lime Crime Makeup: "So bright it's illegal!"
And they don't say that just for the advertising. Lime Crime prides itself on their high intensity products, producing crisp colors that go on strong and stay that way until you take them off.
Designed with stage performance in mind, Doe Deere's genius line of makeup also is dermatologist recommended, was not tested on animals, and most of the eye shadows are vegan friendly.
Not to mention you're getting a helluva lot of bang for your buck. For a 10g jar of high grade, high pigment shadow you're only paying $12. Shipping in the US is a flat five dollars; Canada is $7, and $10 going anywhere else.
In recent news, the shop is soon updating with a brand new line of lipcolors! I'm absolutely in love with the true red Retrofuturist and a really exciting shade of candypop-orange, My Beautiful Rocket.

I've had my eye on Lime Crime for a while now not just for their amazing products, but also for the tutorials. Doe Deere keeps her blog fresh with press release info, photo shoot results, thrift finds, and some really awe-inspiring makeup jobs with super detailed instructions for people with even basic skills.

I really can't say enough good things about Lime Crime. With their focus on color, fashion, and fun, it's crazy that they haven't been mentioned yet.

Monday, October 5, 2009


Man oh man, is this place cool.
If you're into annual art projects, photo chronicling with convenience, or just plain egotism, this is the place to go.
FlickADay allows you to either take a direct photo with a webcam hookup or you can upload your favorite picture from a file.
Not only does it keep track of your photos on a nifty calendar for your rifling ease, but it also offers a set up for you to keep track of anything else you'd like to enter, like mood, the weather, how many miles you walked, what you're listening to. Basically whatever you want.
But wait! The fun doesn't stop there!
They've also got various flash widgets and gifs of your photo montages that you can post on your blog, website or networking profile.
Not only does it have nifty toys, but FlickADay also has a great range of privacy controls and community interaction.

So, essentially, you should check it out.

animated picture

Saturday, October 3, 2009


WeLoveColors is an amazing site that carries hosiery and dance wear in 64 different colors.
You've probably heard of this place before, but that shouldn't detract from just how damn cool it is. Of course they carry the usual leggings and knee-highs, but they also have gloves, mini-dresses, laces, organic products, and subsections for men and children. They're pretty much as hardcore as they can get.
As far as price goes, they're pretty mid-range. Women's solid color tights run for about $12.50 and men's for $8.00. If you're looking for a durable pair of basic, don't forget to check out their Black and White sales, where everything is generally under ten dollars.
Bop over to WeLoveColors to find your favorites.
In the meantime, here are some of my own:

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Do you have a photo of a person that you'd like to keep by your side constantly while ensuring it's safety like a wallet can not? Then a locket is for you!
But you're a hip kid. You don't want to go around wearing something that looks like it was stolen from your grandma's jewelry box. You want something modern and creative and still exceptionally cute.
Look no further. Locket2you has all kinds of neat, mod locket designs to choose from and every single one of them is cool.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Gives Me Hope

Now, I know you're all aware of what FMyLife is and the many lulz that it provides us throughout the day, but you probably haven't heard of it's cousin, GivesMeHope.
GMH is sort of like FML, only it's for optimists!
With inspiring stories of beauty, love, and small pick-me-ups this website has me checking up on it daily and looking to spread the hope.

Finding GMH has really given me hope.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 4th- Twinkie-Chan!

Of course I'm going to start the blog off on an ultra cool day: July 4th!
As I am a good little American, this day means a lot to me.
It is a day to celebrate freedom, camaraderie, and super adorable knit goods!

Twinkie-Chan has been providing customers with various food shaped snugglies since 2005 and she has kept pumping out sugary sweet designs ever since. Let's enjoy some of her past products on this Independence Day!

Don't forget to check out her store for her latest and greatest.