Monday, October 12, 2009

Templar, Arizona

Now, it is by no means a secret that I am a nerd. Specifically, I am a comic nerd.
Not even the cool kind of comic nerd, like the ones who know all the oldies by DC and Marvel. I'm an online comic nerd.
But don't diss me just yet; webcomics offer just as many cool things that hardcopy comics do. Exclusive bribery art for example, and a near constant stream of artist commentary. Thrilling episodic updates and forums to discuss the ongoing plot.

But today I'm not just talking about any webcomic. I'm talking about one of my favorites: Templar, Arizona.

Templar, Arizona is culture focused fiction in an Arizona of alternate history. With strong characters, real dialogue and enticing artwork, Templar drew me in right away with its sincerity (is a pun if you read it!).
Centered around the life a mishaps of the young journalist Ben Kowalski, Templar is a story about the people of a town. True to life, this town has a life of its own, packed with the minute complexities of subcultures and the large proportions of political upheavals.
Its author, Charlie Trotman, is a keen artist of observation to be able to create something so full of truth and beauty while still managing to not take herself too seriously.

While you're checking out Templar, Arizona don't forget to also take a look at her Trotman's other works at Iron Circus Comics.
One quick gander might open you up to a whole new world of nerd-dom.

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